The Administrative Data Maturity Model (ADaMM)

March 29, 2022

Despite the importance of administrative data and indeed, significant investments in many countries, many remain unable to report against key development indicators, and data quality significantly limits the utility of much of the data available. Where data is available, these systems are frequently either under-utilized or are unable to ‘flex’ to meet changing needs – especially in the context of a rapid onset humanitarian situation.

The importance of administrative data has been highlighted by the global impact and demand for data during the COVID-19 pandemic, while the disruption to services and systems has created a key opportunity to look at “building back better”. There is therefore a need to focus additional investment in building and strengthening administrative data systems, and to find a better approach to ensuring these investments result in improved data for decision-makers.

A maturity model approach provides governments and partner agencies such as UNICEF with a framework for prioritizing system investments, sets benchmarks, and helps identify what “good systems” look like. This helps donors assess the capacity to absorb proposed investments and create impact. It also provides a structure to identify and share example of good practice – demonstrating how some countries have achieved “maturity” in parts of their data systems or landscape so that others can draw on these experiences. Equally, it highlights areas where more technical support or guidance is needed. By bringing a focus on children to this discussion, the model provides a lens to assess how well data systems at the national level support development for children, and where critical investments in data and data systems could have the greatest impact for children.
