Data and Research Latest articles Shrouded in silence: The untold story of stillbirths 17 November, 2020 Data and Research Publication & data launches Stillbirths Have we all become dashboard junkies? 10 November, 2020 COVID-19 Data and Research Lifting and shifting existing data solutions to new contexts 2 September, 2020 Data and Research COVID-19 and education: The digital gender divide among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa 4 August, 2020 COVID-19 Data and Research Education Gender Collecting data in the age of COVID-19: Will persons with disabilities be left out? 20 July, 2020 Child disability Data and Research Digging deeper with data: Child labour and learning 30 June, 2020 Child Labour Data and Research Education SDGs COVID-19 and data: How long can we live off our capital before running out? 16 June, 2020 COVID-19 Data and Research Remote learning amid a global pandemic: Insights from MICS6 1 May, 2020 COVID-19 Data and Research Sexual Exploitation of Boys in Times of Crisis: What can we learn from existing research, and what is still unknown? 28 April, 2020 COVID-19 Data and Research Violence Against Children How involved are parents in their children’s learning? MICS6 data reveal critical insights 20 April, 2020 Data and Research Methods & tools