Leaving no one behind

Guidance on filling data gaps on children in the SDG decade of action

March 25, 2020

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are universal in scope. Their call to leave no one behind puts the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized people – including children – at the top of the 2030 Agenda. But since world leaders committed to achieving the SDGs, are we on track to achieve the goals for children? Do we have enough information to know?

To answer that question, we need data. If children’s issues are measured and reported on, it’s more likely that attention will be paid to them. That’s why UNICEF invests heavily in the development of indicator methodologies, data collection and quality control, and advocates for open data. As custodian or co-custodian for 17 SDG indicators, UNICEF is responsible for supporting methodological development and data collection for key indicators concerning children.

Presented at a side event to the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission, the posters below provide a window into the innovative tools we’re developing and the data work we’re doing to fill data gaps on children and accelerate results in the SDG decade of action. The posters span five topics: data collection, data use, health, nutrition, and poverty and gender equality.


Administrative data


Data Collection (Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys)


Data Use






Poverty and gender equality