Equitable coverage? The roles of the private and public sectors in providing maternal, newborn and child health interventions in South Asia Journal articles
Adolescent mental health program components and behavior risk reduction: A meta-analysis Journal articles
National, regional, and worldwide estimates of low birthweight in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis Journal articles
National, regional, and global levels and trends in neonatal mortality between 1990 and 2017, with scenario-based projections to 2030: A systematic analysis Journal articles
Progress in adolescent health and wellbeing: tracking 12 headline indicators for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016 Journal articles
The practice of female genital mutilation across the world: Data availability and approaches to measurement Journal articles
Changes in the spatial distribution of the under-five mortality rate: Small-area analysis of 122 DHS surveys in 262 subregions of 35 countries in Africa Journal articles
Series of articles on the development and testing of the Module on Child Functioning Journal articles
National and regional under-5 mortality rate by economic status for low-income and middle-income countries: A systematic assessment Journal articles
Global, regional, and national mortality trends in older children and young adolescents (5–14 years) from 1990 to 2016: An analysis of empirical data Journal articles
Gendered Influences on Adolescent and Mental Health in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries Journal articles